A solid model from Dapol with plenty of scope for DCC sound.
YouChoos Gallery
Graham Farish Class 52 'Western' Diesel
Another of the older Graham Farish models, this is the Class 52 'Western' diesel in N gauge.
Not DCC-ready, we have employed either a Zimo MX621 4-function decoder, or a CT 7-function DCX70-2,
along with some YouChoos-built head/tail lights, cab lights and crew.
Adding DCC Sound is really not going to happen in this model (it really is tight on space with no room for grinding),
so we've made the best of the possibilities.
The Farish Western model does not have any cab so a make-shift one can be constructed (from plastic and cardboard),
painted, crew added and cab lights fitted. Head/tail lights are tiny holes drilled out with super-bright micro-LEDs
fixed in place behind.