Decoders will normally be supplied with their DCC 'address' set to a default of 3. If you have
multiple locos fitted with DCC, then you will need to change this quite soon.
Most DCC controllers provide automatic facilities to change a decoder's address, but it may be useful to
understand how this works under the covers. The full range of addresses goes from 1 up to 10239, although
most DCC controllers are limited to 9999 (4 digits), and some are limited to just 2, or even a single digit!
If your chosen address falls in the range from 1 to 127, then this is known as a 'short' address, and is
stored in CV 1. With bit 5 (value 32) of CV 29 switched OFF, the short address is active, and the decoder
will respond to commands on the address stored in CV 1.
For addresses between 128 and 10239, a formula is used to calculate and store the address in CVs 17 and 18.
This is required because the largest number you can store in a single CV is restricted to 255. The long
address is active when bit 5 of CV 29 is switched on.
CV 19 is used when you add your loco into a Consist. Refer to your DCC controller's manual for more information
on Consisting (temporarily placing multiple locos together, such as double-heading).