CT decoders offer very flexible tuning for motor control, supporting a wide variety of motor types, and
it is normally possible to achieve excellent smooth, and slow running performance with any well maintained motor.
Speed Curves
CVs 2, 6 and 5 provide a simple method of defining the motor's speed curve from initial set-off to maximum
speed. With CV 6 set to 0, the speed curve is linear, but with CV 6 set to something between 0 and 255, a rough
3-point curve is applied. This assumes that CV 29 bit 4 (value 16) is switched off.
With CV29 bit 4 switched on, the speed curve is taken from CVs 67 to 94, allowing you a much finer control
of the motor output through the speed range.
Momentum / Inertia
One of the great features of DCC decoders is the ability to automatically apply gradual acceleration and
deceleration, making the motion of the loco much more realistic than would be possible with an analog control.
CT decoders are particularly good at applying these gradual effects, and the strength of the momentum effects can
be easily configured using CV 3 (acceleration) and CV 4 (deceleration).
Motor Characteristics and Back EMF
Smooth running is achieved using a technique called Back EMF, whereby the decoder regularly detects feedback
from the draw of the motor in order to work out if the requested speed is actually being maintained. It is a very sophisticated technique, and the frequency and strength of the feedback must closely match the characteristics of the motor in order for it to work effectively. Bad configuration will result in jerky motion, and noisy operation.
CT decoders will normally be shipped with Back EMF settings appropriate for most modern motors, so there will
be little tuning, if any required.
CV 9 defines the type of motor, effectively defining the frequency at which Back EMF readings are performed.
The intensity of this reading is configured using CV 50, often best set at the maximum of 255.
CVs 51 and 52 allow for fine-tuning of the read-back. It will often be necessary to experiment with a range
of values in order to get the motor working just right.