Some simple photos of a Bachmann BR Standard 9F, showing the positioning of a Zimo MX645 sound decoder, small stay-alive and
SugarLump speaker in the loco. A small angle is ground off the top/back of the motor housing so that the decoder can sit
comfortably at a diagonal angle. DCC socket removed and mount points ground flat to provide maximum space. This approach even
provides enough room for a single Seuthe #27 smoke generator (not shown here).
It's a different one, but looks good all weathered up! This one used MX648 hard-wired, SugarStrand9 speaker, SACC16 and
Kit: MX645; IceCube18X13X10-1W; SuperCap17000uF
Since we are not going to be adding lamps or smoke in this model, we can use the whole platform in front of the motor for the
MX645 decoder and an IceCube speaker. A 17000uF SuperCap can be placed at the rear behind the motor, which will give lots of
stay-alive backup power.
Remove the 8pin DCC socket, which is located at the front on this model, and flatten the platform down to maximise space.
SuperCap (wrapped in Kapton tape) sits at an angle behind the motor, with decoder and speaker on the platform at the front.