The Dapol N Gauge Terrier... installation example for DCC conversion...
Dapol's pretty little N gauge Terrier is relatively simple to convert to DCC. This example uses a CT DCX76z, tiny double-sided decoder.
The loco's body pops easily off, and then we separate the pickup wires from the motor, removing the supression capacitors which may be present.
We'll be placing the decoder in the cab, so trim the wires just right for this purpose. Join red and black to the pickups, insulating with some
thin heat-shrink, and the orange and grey decoder wires to the motor. Test direction of travel at this point, and swap the orange and grey around if it is
To provide protection, we've put some thin tubing around the decoder itself, although this isn't strictly necessary. This also helps disguise the fact the
decoder will be in the cab, which is less obvious as a black blob compared to the bare circuit board! If you do this though, you must leave a little breathing
space at either end of the decoder for heat to escape.
For comparison, a 2nd CT DCX76z decoder is shown without the added tubing. The one installed has had the white and yellow lighting wires removed, as
we don't plan to add any lighting to this model.
Very neat, fits nicely, and runs well, for a light-weight model!