The N Gauge Graham Farish Class 66 diesel... example installation for DCC sound...
Most of the procedure and wiring is the same for the Farish 66 as it is for the Farish 37, so we'll keep it brief here and just show the finished
installation and talk about the differences.
Initial procedure for the 66 is similar to the 37 i.e. remove body, remove factory circuit board, and unattach lighting wires.
Only minimal milling is possible with this chassis as there is very little depth of metal between the top and the motor or
drive-shafts, but we remove a little, as even a shaving will help with fitting the speaker and stay-alive capacitor.

Note the location of the SL76 decoder, the black tantalum capacitor and the CT MicroCube speaker. Capacitor and speaker sit in
slightly milled out areas. Also note how the MicroCube speaker's white enclosure has been reduced very slightly and shaped to
match the 66's body shape. It is very tight, and you'll need to do this.
The original factory head/tail lights are reconnected with their +ve wires going via some SMD resistors (on the little green
circuit board) before joining up to the decoder's BLUE common +ve output.

Almost finished - below, the body almost down snug in position - still needs a tiny bit more filing to the speaker enclosure
and/or the inside of the loco's plastic roof:
