Modern Graham Farish DMU N gauge models are some of the easiest to fit DCC sound into, and many of the models even have a space
set aside ready for a speaker!
Our example here is a 150 DMU, which has a CT SL75 decoder plugged into the 6-pin socket (via a wired harness). The decoder is
taped beneath the circuit board loosely inside a piece of heat-shrink tubing. The speaker is CT's sugar-cube, and is placed
into the seating area, secured with some double-sided tape.

DCC sound in N gauge doesn't get much simpler than this!
Below we have a Farish 108 DMU, shown with a LokSound Micro 3.5 decoder and custom box. The install of DCC sound was done
elsewhere and YouChoos has simply added the crew and cab lighting, but it could equally have been a CT SL76 with sugar-cube,
which would have been substantially louder than the LokSound with small speaker, not to mention easier to fit.
First the dummy coach, with CT DCX76 6-pin decoder, cab light and driver:

...and here the motor coach with LokSound 3.5, speaker, cab light and driver:
