Kit: MX644, ADAMTC booster board, YouChoos custom Mogul speaker, SuperCap17000
YouChoos has developed a custom speaker specifically for the Heljan O gauge Mogul, to fit the round well underneath the loco.
The speaker is a simple drop-in, screwing into the existing mount, and giving maximum performance for the available space. The
speaker component is a new 18x13mm planar speaker, improving on previous 18x13mm speakers like our Brick and Flame range. The
component is the same one to be used in our new IceCube range, which will be available February 2019.
Bass performance from this unit is excellent, as is top-end, though if you really want to make your Mogul amazing, we suggest
using this in conjunction with a 2nd speaker in the tender - we have yet to work out the best fit for the tender, but watch
this space.
This guide is in progress still, but for now you can at least see the custom speaker. Details of the tender work (MX644D with
ADAMTC, SuperCap17000 and 2nd speaker will follow soon).
The enclosure for the speaker is 3D-printed with our latest toy - a high-end resin-based machine, giving great detail and
finish. Please contact YouChoos directly for details and ordering of the speaker. It will also work well with a LokSound L
decoder, and may even be a good fit for the Heljan Prairie too, though we don't have one of these model to try it out with (any
willing donors?!).

This is what we ended up doing with the tender... MX644D in ADAMTC booster board across the mid-section, YLR603010 (lugs cut
off) on one rear corner, SACC16 with SuperCap17000 in the remaining gap. This big speaker caused some vibrations in the tender
body though so we added some padding in the form of BlackTack around some of the edges. The result is awesome!
