Kit: Zimo MX621, SPEIKOMP kit and 2x 330uF Tantalums
Something a bit different here, and in fact we're not showing you the kit, as that's pretty simple to fit in the large empty tender,
and could even have added sound if desired. Instead we are concentraing here on how to convert this model for DCC. Pickups are not
fantastic in this model, so a stay-alive makes quite a big difference.
Disassemble the loco and remove all the loose parts temporarily while we modify the chassis. This is a split-chassis model relying on getting track pickup from the chassis
to the motor terminals by small springs set into the chassis. For DCC we must isolate these connections.

Connect wires directly to the motor terminals, and cover in heat shrink for insulation.

Mill out the chassis just a little bit around the motor terminal areas and solder some more wires to the ends of the springs, then
reinsert the springs into their respective 'holes' in the chassis. There must be no chance of the motor terminals touching anything
metal once reassembled.

With the chassis reassembled and tight together again, feed the resulting 4 wires out of the back ready for connection into
the tender, where the decoder, and stay-alive kit will be placed. We've used grey for the 2 motor wires and black for the pickups, so
we can easily identify which is which back in the tender!
