Kit: MX649 hard-wired; SugarCurveTwist6; SACC16 with 470uF Flat Tantalum
Nice little model, the Farish 3MT Tank, here disassembled while we work out what DCC kit we can squeeze in.
The MX649 is a little narrower than the MX648, and even so we must shave a little off the screw pillar for the 649 to slide in,
with sleeve removed. Sleeve and all wires have been removed from the decoder already, as we'll use finer ESU decoder wire, and
leave off all the lighting wires that we won't be using.
Now with the decoder wired in - pickups and motor wires, plus speaker (purple) and stay-alive (blue and grey) wires added in
preparation, then the decoder is re-covered in Kapton tape.
At this point we can check motor control, and direction.
Try with the body back on, to satisfy ourselves that there is enough length inside for the decoder - all looks perfect.
Next we consider what stay-alive can be added - anything at all will offer benefit in such a small model. We decide on our
LifeLink PCB with a single 470uF flat Tantalum capacitor which will sit on the cab floor underneath the decoder.
Fairly comfortable fit after all.
Next we have the speaker to consider. We could resort to a really tiny MicroCube, or maybe even a low-profile Minnow might fit,
but we decide to make use of our 3D printer and come up with a custom speaker with a curved top - the curve in the opposite
direction to our normal SugarCurve range. A 7mm high version is just a little too much, so we go with a 6mm version... let's
call it a 'SugarCurveTwist6'!!
Spot on!
Now all wired in, like a layer-cake! Stay-Alive, decoder, speaker!
The cab is crammed full, but we can still add some detail in the form of crushed coal in the bunker.