Kit: MS500N; IceCube18X13X06 speaker; 5x 220uF Tantalums
Tim's approach on this one was to make the absolute most of available space inside the Princess tender. The MS500N helps make
this simple, but we've not seen a 18x13x6 IceCube used in N gauge before, so that's very exciting! 5 of the little 220uF
Tantalums are connected for stay-alive.
Note that the original Farish 6pin socket is removed and replaced with a smaller component, so we can still simply plug the
6pin decoder in.

The only mod required for the entire installation was to cut-off the two plastic pillars, mounting the manufacturer's DCC
socket/PCB (previously located in the middle of where the tantalums are now arranged). These were very easily & neatly sliced
off at their base, using a sharp scalpel.
Note the amount of available headroom remaining for the metal coal load to fit back in place, without any modification

A small SMD LED is used for the firebox glow, with blackened fine wires back to the tender - they are essentailly invisible to
the eye.

Photos and notes courtesy of Tim Maggs.