Kit: MS440C; YLR603010; 6x 1F GoldCaps
Dapol's long-awaited O gauge Railcar has arrived, and very nice too! Access to the DCC socket and speaker compartment is a
simple removal of 2 screws underneath.

Helpfully, Dapol have provided 2 methods to connect a speaker - via a mini socket, for which they have supplied a suitable plug
with short wires already, or via a pair of solder pads. Either connection is fine - we decide to go with the solder pads. The
21pin blanking plate is removed and we're all ready to pop in the MS440C and speaker...

Numerous speakers are possible here, and a braket is provided if you opt fo a 55x22x10mm size speaker. We go for our favourite
YLR603010 3W box speaker, which needs its' lugs cutting off and some BlackTack to hold it in place, but otherwise very simple.

We choose to orient it upwards, ensuring that the speaker's diaphram does not touch anything.

Pop in the MS440C decoder.

Trim the little plastic bits that poke up into the cavity from the cover, which allows it to sit nice and flush.

The body doesn't have to be removed to fit the DCC Sound kit, but we want some figures, so remove the 4 retaining screws for
the body at the very ends, and the body simply lifts up. Driver figures are put into position, as well as a few passengers.

Perhaps overkill, but we also decide to wire in a big stay-alive array, using 6x 1F GoldCaps. These must be connected in
series, then through to the MS440C. A convenient space for these is the toilet, totally out of view - somehow seems strange
that Dapol have even modelled this, as it isn't visible, but kudos for that too!

Very nice result - lovely model, with a silky smooth motor. Full control of the model's lighting (interior lights, sconces and
express lights included) are possible with a special version of our Railcar project for the MS440C.
