The Class 03 is very similar internally to the Class 05, so pretty much the same approach. The lighting in our model seemed a
bit limited, and connected to unexpected function outputs, but it basically works.
Simple install of a 21pin decoder (MX644D or C), adn we put our IceCube speaker up in the space intended for a round speaker.
The IceCube provides a much better sound.
We really don't like these little 2pin connectors that Heljan use, so instead have soldered our speaker wires direct to the
appropriate pins on the feet. If you don't feel confident doing this, you can ask us to solder the wires direct to the decoder
instead - but you'll need to ask explicitly for this, as it is not normal practise!
Here we are with the decoder and stay-alive all in position, protected with Kapton tape.
Please note that these guides are provided as useful resources for you, as-is. YouChoos cannot be held responsible for
errors in the information, or for any damage caused to your models or equipment if you choose to follow any of the
steps detailed here.