Kit: MS990L, YLR603010 Speaker
Heljan's Class 27 is their first to include a DCC socket for an 'XL' type plug-in decoder. This means either a LokSound V5 XL
with pins, or Zimo's MS990L. Theoretically this should make DCC and DCC Sound installation a whole lot easier than previous
Heljan big diesels.
However, the 'XL' standard for pin-out has been interpreted differently by ESU and Zimo... 3 sides are compatible, but the 4
side has support for servo connections, and these are totally different. This model does not have any servos of course, so the
header socket on the board in the model on that side does nothing - not connected to anything at all, so we can simply remove
that header.
Thankfully, the plastic header just slides up and off the connectors, so we can simply snip off the 'pins' leaving it a flat
area. Our MS990L will simply plug into the remaining pins, though careful alignment is required to make sure they match up -
there are more pins on the MS990L than there are on the socket of the model.
Here are a few shots of the model's PCB before removal of the servo pins...
The plastic header socket just slides up and off the contacts, which can then be easily snipped off.
...and after...
Our MS990L now safely in position, we can test motion and lighting. Some tweaking of function keys to outputs is needed to
match the physical connections of the model: - F0F - front headcode
- F0R - rear headcode
- FA1 - rear
- FA2 - front reds
- FA3 - front cab
- FA4 - rear cab
- FA5 - engine bay lights
- FA9 -
(FA6 to FA8 are not used)
A YLR603010 3W speaker is BlackTack'd to the top of the decoder and all is done!