Kit: MX644D; IceCube28X18X07-2W; SACC16 + SuperCap17000uF
Our donor model, and the kit we plan to put in the tender...
The tender is pretty simple - flat base with 21pin socket, which we'll keep. The weight is all in the metal coal moulding,
which we shouldn't have to modify at all.
Our IceCube28X18X08-2W sits toward the rear on the floor.
We connect wires to our SuperCap and cover with Kapton to protect (remember that the shell of the SuperCap is common with the
negative connection)
SuperCap sits on the floor between the speaker and the 21pin socket PCB.
The stay-alive connection kit (SACC16) can be shrink to minimum size, as we won't be putting any Tantalum capacitors directly
on the SACC16 - instead we have the SuperCap connected external via wires.
Connect the SACC16 to the MX644D's provided stay-alive pads.
Lay everything into position, including protecting the decoder with some Kapton (just in case), connect up and test!
Looking and sounding superb...