Kit: Zimo MX644D with Zimo LS26X20X08-1W Dumbo speaker, full directional lighting, crew, SuperCap6800uf stay-alive
NB We'd go with an IceCube25X18X07-1W speaker instead now, and the MX644D connected to the SuperCap (17000uF) via a LifeLink.
This is because the 20mm width of the Dumbo is a little too much for the narrow body of the Class 20.
Kit: MX644D; IceCube28X18X07-2W; LifeLink with 17000uF SuperCap
We're not putting lighting into this one, so the SuperCap can sit right in the front of the nose. The dual IceCube is 18mm
width, so sits nicely at the front on top of the chassis too.
This edition of Bachmann's Class 20 came with a speaker mount, which we'll remove.
Our MX644D is plugged in, and the LifeLink is wired into position (just needs covering in Kapton tape).
At the front, the SuperCap (protected in Kapton too) sits vertically, and the dual IceCube speaker perches nicely above.