Kit: MX648; SugarCube8
Installing DCC sound in a Bachmann OO Class 08 diesel using a Zimo MX648 decoder. No stay-alive in this one, but a fairly
simple installation...
Disassembled, 8pin socket removed, MX648 hard-wired to pickups and motor...
![Example 1](/Resources/Bachmann08/IMG_7582.JPG)
Hole to thread speaker wires through...
![Example 1](/Resources/Bachmann08/IMG_7583.JPG)
Tidy the wiring and pop the main part of the body back on, SugarCube and crew in place...
![Example 1](/Resources/Bachmann08/IMG_7585.JPG)
Wait for the glue to dry, and finally put the cab back on...
![Example 1](/Resources/Bachmann08/IMG_7587.JPG)
Kit: MX648; IceCube18X13X07-1W; LifeLink + 17000uF SuperCap
A more ambitious approach, but well worthwhile, and frankly not a whole lot harder. The big SuperCap really helps with running
reliability in this stiff little model, and the larger speaker gives it more presence too.
![Example 2](Resources/OOBachCL08/OOBachCL08-RS-002.jpg)
SuperCap is protected in Kapton tape and mounted at the front - care must be taken not to allow the end of the motor shaft to
foul on the capacitor though.
![Example 2](Resources/OOBachCL08/OOBachCL08-RS-003.jpg)
The sound decoder goes vertically in front of that...
![Example 2](Resources/OOBachCL08/OOBachCL08-RS-004.jpg)
LifeLink PCB goes in front of that, and we root wires for the speaker back toward the cab - a small hole has these wires
threaded through, which we can trim to length and solder to the speaker once the main part of the body is back in place.
![Example 2](Resources/OOBachCL08/OOBachCL08-RS-006.jpg)
![Example 2](Gallery/CustomerLocos/JohnAlderslade/CL08Green/OOCL08Green-JA-004.jpg)