Kit: MS440 (D or C); SugarCube24X15X07; 2x 1000uF 16V Capacitors
Sound decoder is easy enough here, just plugging into the 21pin socket. However, it is worth putting some tape over the PCB's
screw heads to avoid the decoder short-circuiting on those.
Due to the low roof in the 86, we are very limited for speaker space. So, we devise a cunning plan to use a pair of 1000uF 16V
capacitors (for stay-alive), BlackTacked carefully inside the frame at one end, ensuring that do not snag the bogies. These are
connected in parallel, wrapped in Kapton tape, then off to the decoder.
Resting on top of these capacitors, we can just get a SugarCube24X15X07 speaker, fixed down with more BlackTack. Nice and
flush with the chassis, so not a problem under that low roof line.
In typical Heljan style, there are no solder pads on the model's PCB for a speaker - only a little 2pin socket, but they don't
provide a plug for it, so we are forced to solder the speaker wires direct to the decoder (ask us if you want this done when
you place your order).
All the kit fits in nice and flush, and we tidy the wires in the centre to avoid any snagging on the flywheels. Lovely job!