Kit: MX648, SugarCube7, SACC16 with 5x 220uF and 2x 330uF Tantalums
We expected this Sentinel model to be a challenge to fit DCC sound into, but there is actually a decent amount of space in the
cab for kit, albeit some a little more visible than we'd prefer! The model itself is well put together with the bulk being a
solid metal block which aids traction and pickup. Despite this, we found that it did stall frequently so a reasonable
stay-alive is required.

Top off reveals a very simple layout with basic 8pin socket in the cab.

The socket and weight come out easily.

We hard-wire the MX648, SugarCube7 (painted black to disguise) and SACC16 with 5x 220uF Tantalums for stay-alive. Test it all
works, then we can reassemble.

Pickups are not fantastic still, so we extend the stay-alive with a couple of 330uF Tantalums.

Works much better, so put the weight back on, threading the components through its' aperture and protecting everything in
Kapton tape.

The plastic mount needs the screw lugs chopping off to make the space flush, then it is just a case of arranging the components
inside the cab making them as hidden as possible, and painting black where necessary.

Reassembled and running pretty well for such a little thing!
