Kit: MX644D; 15x11mm Sticky Gasket speaker
Quite a straight-forward installation into Oxford's J27 model... 21pin sound decoder in the tender, and a 15x11mm StickyGasket
speaker component direct onto the provided baffle in the model, underneath the metal weight. No soldering required - speaker
just makes electrical contact when the assembly is screwed back down.
The MX644 comes with a 'sample' capacitor, which we'd like to keep in the installation, but there is no height availbale. So a
cut is made up into the coal area to make space for it, and a new coal load rebuilt over the top.
Photos and approach courtesy of Kim Teasdale
Kit: MS440C with 15x11mm StickyGasket speaker
A brief revisit of the Oxford J27, this time with MS440 sound decoder and making room for the sample 1000uF stay-alive
We use some Kapton tape to ensure that no part of the speaker contacts with anything other than the desired contact pads.
Some minor modifications internally in the tender in order to create space for the capacitor.