 | immersiveDrive |  |
 | - |
F0 | AUX1/FOfwd + AUX2/FOrev directional lights |
F1 | MainSounds+Mute+UserSounds |
F2 | Active Brake |
F3 | Whistle |
F4 | Whistle |
F5 | QuickSelect |
F6 | AUX3/FA1+Coal Shovelling  |
F7 | Blower  |
F8 | Cylinders  |
F9 | Guard's Whistle |
F10 | Injector  |
F11 | 28XX Pump  |
F12 | AUX4/FA2 |
F13 | Announcement |
F14 | Wheel Flange  |
F15 | Rail Clack  |
F16 | Doors Closing |
F17 | Water Filling and Hatch |
F18 | Whistle |
F19 | Wheel Slip |
F20 | ShuntingMode+Half Shunt |
F21 | Blower  |
F22 | Close Up to Couple |
F23 | Whistle |
F24 | Coupling Up |
F25 | --unassigned-- |
F26 | --unassigned-- |
F27 | Volume Decrease |
F28 | Volume Increase |
Function Key assignments listed above are the defaults for this locomotive type. If you would like a different configuration, or features swapping out (such as replacing sounds with others in the YouChoos library, or even your own sounds), then please contact us with your preferences at time of order. Some sounds in a project may be 'generic', but the key parts of a project are always genuine sounds from the correct locomotive, unless otherwise stated.
All Zimo sound decoders now provide a facility called Active Braking. This means that the loco will coast gently to a halt if the throttle is simply backed-off,
using the default CVs for momentum, and in addition (CV#3 and CV#4), a dedicated Function Key is defined as the brake key, which will slow the loco at a greater rate (defined
in CV#349) - just like the real
thing - you have to use the brakes to slow down quickly! The longer you hold the brake key down for, the harder the braking effect.
By default, YouChoos immersiveDrive projects DO include this feature (braking on F2), but YouChoos Traditional projects do NOT define a brake key (they provide throttle-based
deceleration, which is traditionally better understood in model railway
circles). However, the Active Braking feature can be included/excluded as you wish - please email us with this requirement, together with which Function Key you would like it
to appear on (F2 is most commonly used), and we can easily customise the project for your order.
Zimo sound decoders provide the facility to switch between 2 or more engine schemes on-the-fly at the press of a Function Key. For example, switching between light and heavy
chuffs on a steam loco, or switching between diesel and electric engines on a hybrid (like the Class 73). In fact, a project may have many engine sets loaded, in which case we
usually assign consequtive function keys to provide access to them - referred to as Quick Select.
Many YouChoos Traditional projects include this feature (primarily steam) and others will be added as projects are updated in the future. All YouChoos immersiveDrive steam projects
include this feature where QuickSelect will change from the default of a 'heavy' engine to a 'light' engine, where the chuffs are quieter.
A Function Key may be defined to activate the Shunting feature, which normally has the effect of reducing the effects of momentum (CV#3 and CV#4) to 1/4 the normal
rate, thus accelerating and decelerating is more responsive - suitable for shunting the loco when it is not pulling a load. In addition, we usually reduce the requested
speed to half when shunting mode is activated - this is true of all of the immersiveDrive projects, which have this feature as standard, normally on F20.
Where a project includes a light engine feature (see Quick Select above), it can be effective to have the same Function Key activate Shunting.
Many of our YouChoos Traditional projects also include a Function Key dedicated for this purpose, but not all, so let us know if the one you want doesn't have it
and we can pre-configure it for you at the time of ordering.